
I am a Classicist, in the most traditional form of the word. I have two pieces of paper that say so. Over four years I became very accustomed to answering the standard 'what do you study?' with "Classics, like Greece and Rome stuff". This was somewhat demoralising, but much easier to pre-empt the inevitable response of "what like Shakespeare?" (classic cars was the most unusual guess). Whilst these days my two degrees may only really be useful in pub quizzes and when watching University Challenge, although I always fail on the Latin questions, I like to think I have pretty much got that whole area of literature down. 

However, when it comes to what is generally understood by the term Classics, namely "classic" literature, I am something of a fraud. I've never even read Pride and Prejudice. As Prince George would say, I am about as thick as a whale omelette. So I have decided to get a headstart on those ever-popular "Books to Read Before You Die" style articles, and work my way through the classics section of my rather small library. 

 My goal is to read one classic book a month, although that may be more achievable with Catcher in the Rye than Crime and Punishment. (library bants) If I write a post about each one it should keep me accountable and on track. Also then I can use the acronym BAM which makes everything more fun and whimsical. Which I may need, as the first book I chose was The Bell Jar.

*the photo is of the Library of Celsus, it's classics and a library, get it? Image from Wikipedia.

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